Safe and Healthy Summer

Safe and Healthy Summer

This is the first step in having a delicious and nutritious meal for your family. You should go to the market or supermarket early in the morning to select fresh produce. Prioritize clean and clearly sourced food, carefully choosing each item and being flexible with your menu, avoiding buying items that are not as desired or no longer fresh.

You can visit the stores of Huong Viet Sinh Company to choose fresh produce in the mornings. Here, the food is always clean and has a clear origin.

Bạn nên chọn thực phẩm tươi sống vào đầu giờ sáng tại cửa hàng “Thực phẩm an toàn có kiểm soát HVS” địa chỉ 26 Hoàng Cầu, Quận Đống Đa, Hà Nội.
You should choose fresh food in the early morning at the store "HVS Controlled Safe Food" address 26 Hoang Cau, Dong Da District, Hanoi.

Note: Food stored in the refrigerator also has an expiration date.

Many people believe that food stored in the refrigerator will not spoil. However, if you do not regularly clean the refrigerator and organize the different areas properly, the refrigerator can become a breeding ground for bacteria.

Food stored in the refrigerator should also adhere to the expiration dates to ensure its nutritional value. Therefore, be mindful of not buying too much and storing food for too long. Experts advise that food stored in the refrigerator should be consumed within 3 days, while frozen food should be consumed within 1-2 weeks to 1 month.

Adjust the refrigerator settings accordingly

Many people leave the refrigerator at the default temperature without considering adjusting it based on the amount of food or the specific requirements of the items that need to be refrigerated. This can affect the quality of the stored food.

Thaw food properly

To thaw food for cooking without affecting the remaining portion, you should clean and pre-cut the food. Avoid refreezing thawed food. Thawing slowly, evenly, from the inside out before cooking is necessary to ensure that the food is evenly cooked, tender, and sweet. Do not boil or stir-fry food that is still frozen or too hard, as it can cause the food to release water, break, or not cook through.

  Đồ trữ ngăn đá cần rã đông đúng cách trước khi chế biến
Food stored in the freezer needs to be defrosted properly before cooking

Prep and store frozen items properly

Frozen items such as meat or fish should be rinsed thoroughly and drained before placing them in a sealed bag or container according to the planned meal. This helps prevent moisture leakage and ensures hygiene. Note that glass containers should not be placed in the freezer, as the freezing temperature can cause glass to crack or even explode, as recommended by the manufacturer.

Separate live and ripe food

When storing food in the refrigerator, it is advisable to separate live (uncooked) and ripe (cooked) food. Ripe food should be stored in airtight glass containers, while live food should be properly prepped. For newly purchased vegetables, remove stems, trim leaves, and store them in sealed plastic bags without washing, as washing can cause them to break easily or spoil quickly. If you have meat that will be cooked on the same day, you can rinse it thoroughly or pre-cut and marinate it to prevent it from becoming tough when frozen.

Arrange vegetables and fruits by weight, with the heavier ones at the bottom and lighter ones on top.

This may seem like a simple rule, but some housewives, for the sake of convenience, don't follow this and end up with crushed and spoiled vegetables. After taking out the vegetables, be sure to tie the bag tightly to prevent them from wilting.

Prep and store food in the refrigerator as soon as possible

As soon as you return from the market, take the time to prep the food and store it in the refrigerator right away for freshness. This not only helps preserve the food better but also keeps the kitchen clean and tidy.

Properly store leftover food

When cooking a large amount, portion out an appropriate amount onto a plate and immediately store the remaining portion in the refrigerator. Many people have the habit of putting all the food on the table and keeping the leftovers afterward. Food that has been touched by utensils may not taste as good as the original meal, right? With leftovers, you should choose which ones can be stored for the next day and which ones should be discarded. For example, soups and raw vegetables should not be kept overnight.

Know when to discard food

This advice can be understood in two ways: you need to know which food should be thrown away immediately after a meal and which ones should be discarded after being stored in the refrigerator for a few days. Don't be reluctant to discard a little bit of food, as it can affect your digestion, causing discomfort and fatigue. If you happen to have diarrhea, you may also need to spend money on medication or increase the risk of digestive system diseases.

This advice can be understood in two ways: you need to know which food should be thrown away immediately after a meal and which ones should be discarded after being stored in the refrigerator for a few days. Don't be reluctant to discard a little bit of food, as it can affect your digestion, causing discomfort and fatigue. If you happen to have diarrhea, you may also need to spend money on medication or increase the risk of digestive system diseases.

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